In Conversation with Dj HUDA HUDIA
DJ Huda Hudia is without doubt one of the most influential DJs and producers of our time.
A true representative of Breaks, Electro House and Trap music, DJ Huda Hudia’s vast discography of original successful productions, killer tunes.
Huda Hudia. Owner Kaleidoscope Music. Remixer for Ultimix and Funkymix. Golfer, ATV rider, part time dare devil, and DJ.
DJ Huda Hudia, of such hits as "Drop the Bass Now" and "C'mon Breakdown" has released over 225 songs on his Kaleidoscope Music, Kaleidoscope All Stars, Puffin’ Records, and Uniscope Records labels. Combined sales have reached over 250,000 units. Out of the more than 225 songs released, Huda Hudia has either written or co-produced 109 of those tracks. Working with EA Sports, Huda’s track “System Overload” is featured on the famed SSX Tricky Game (course one) and recently Huda's tracks have been featured on the popular MTV show Punk’d. In 2017 Huda Hudia took Best Producer National Award sponsored by Gigabeat and Symphonic Distribution, and Best Release of the Year for Kaleidoscope Records sponsored by Jamvana and Tunebula. In today's market of digital download sites, Huda is currently celebrating his 150th release. Currently, Huda Hudia continues to break new ground with his endless amounts of releases. In the digital era of releasing music through Beatport Huda has a #1 track, four #1 releases, 31 tracks in top 10, 98 tracks on top 100, 21 releases in top 100, 2837 days on top 100, and 807 days releases on top 100. He is currently ranked #2 in the world off beatport artist rankings which are based off yearly sales.

Hello and welcome to BBS AWARDS 2018.
Today I have been joined by super DJ and producer DJ Huda Hudia.
Hi! Nice to have you here in BBS Awards.
What are some words you would use to describe this year?
It all starts with time consuming, hectic, and insane. Followed by rewarding, fulfilling, accomplishment. Great friendships.
Dime Dropper (Original Mix) N1 Kaleidoscope Music TRACK
Can you tell us what you like best about your track?
I started the idea for that track in 2016. It sat on the hard drive for over a year. The vocal sample was so iconic the track had to be done right. I shot the project over to Sweet Charlie, then sent it off to Monikkr, and then put all their additional ideas together in logic. When I was happy with it I sent it off to Si-Dog. He polished and completed the track for final release. I like how we all came together as a team on the track.
Can you tell us about the new project you will be working on in 2018/2019?
For Ultimix and Funkymix I am really working hard on the alias NO MAMES! and Shh!. Both of those projects I work with a local artist, Skeptik. (Skeptik + Huda Hudia = Shh!). For the label we have our new 2019 roster of DJ Fixx, Purdy, DJ30A, Sweet Charlie, Matt Hatter, DJ Volume, The Hotheadz, with massive support by United States Beat Squad, DJ 8.1.8, and many more. Personally, 2019 I will be introducing a new SUPER BASS sound for breaks. 2019 is going to be crazy. We will also be making a push for #1 Breaks Label.
Imagine walking inside the studio; please, can you speak to me through a typical day? What are your habits?
There are some days I don’t have a choice but to make music since projects are always due. Most days I get to pick between label operations or making music. If I feel great it’s always about the music. If I wake up not wanting to make music I go straight to making art for the label and doing day-to-day operations. I figured out a long time ago not to push things in the studio if I don’t feel well, because nothing gets accomplished on those days.
Everyone who knows me knows I my favorite phrase is “time efficiency.”
How will you choose the software and add-ons you use?
You always read about people getting cracked versions of software (including me). I can tell you from personal experience they always say they end up using the ones they purchase. So true! My advice to new producers is that’s fine, but if you use them more than 3 times go ahead and buy it. These days I only use purchased add-ons.
**My favorite synths are Serum and Nexus 2
**A few of my go-to plugins are from Cable Guys
My main DAW, well, I recently switched from Logic to Ableton. I am a complete nerd in the studio. With Ableton I can finish a song in 4-6 hours and with Logic it used to take me 8-10. Again, my favorite expression is time efficiency! In Ableton I have set up many racks, channel strips, and the most insane template you’d ever want, to make my music production a breeze.
Are you an avid believer of learning an instrument?
Yes, learning an instrument is key. I grew up playing the flute in school, and dabbled with the piano in my younger years. My godfather gave me my first piano when I was 9. I think all of us who make music were influenced at a young age.
I think every music teacher out there will completely hate me if I say this, but I think the best tip for new music producers is to do the courses on Melodics (and no, I’m not sponsored by them). Everything in music is about timing and rhythm. It’s like Guitar Hero for adults! So fun!
What is the only piece of DJ / production equipment that you can not live with?
These days its my MAC. I mean music in a box for sure. My $22,000 digital mixing console is stored in its original box if that tells you anything, I just do everything on the MAC.
Second would be the magic mouse and wireless keyboard. When I am having fun doing courses on Melodics I use my Alesis Samplepad Pro.
As far as hardware goes, anyone who grew up with midi knows what a pain it was to make music. Since I work “in the box” now, the project is exactly the same as when I left it the night before. Because of my streamlined workflow, I sold off all my gear 9 years ago and instead of looking at fancy equipment I got my antique dream car in the garage.
So what are your thoughts on technology aiding the technique of DJing and Music Production?
Personally, after dj’ing with vinyl for over 22 years I can say I love the new technology! I have all my music on a hard drive and my back loves me cause carrying the 50 pound crate to gigs sucked! I’ve used Serato at my shows for 8 years and I will only accept criticism from those who have DJ’d more than 22 years on vinyl. ME WITH A NAUGHTY SMILE, Everyone else can just keep their mouth shut! I just think you have to evolve with technology.
As far as technology aiding music producers, I have to back track a bit here… When I started Kaleidoscope Music in 1996 I was pressing vinyl. The time from start to finish for a track was 2 months. 1 week to make the track. 1 week to master and finalize. 2 weeks to do artwork and send off to the pressing plant. 1 month to press and send to distributors. These days, 4 - 6 hours to mix and master a song, and the song is released in 3 weeks. For time efficiency it’s great.
Any artists / DJs / producers in particular that really influenced you?
I grew up in Florida. Of course all the Miami Bass guys. M.C. A.D.E. - Bass Mechanic was my go to! I wore out their CD.
What is the music scene like at this moment in your country?
The “music scene” here in the US is all about popularity. It’s amazing we have EDM producers charting on Billboard and making millions, but we all know breaks producers are not headlining festivals. The US has always been about what’s cool and what’s in fashion. Personally, I have great roots in my city of Atlanta. Even thought I am the #1 breaks DJ according to Beatstats and #5 all time, it doesn’t mean I am in demand for festivals or even noticed in magazines. Instead, I have built a great reputation in my home city. My Friday nights have been going on for almost 10 years and my Saturday nights usually bring about 900-1000 people every week. Honestly, these days I just worry about my label, my artists, the venues that help me locally, and the countless friends I have for support.
Often, certain cities are related to certain sounds and subgenres. Do you think that living in your city is reflected in your music?
I’m a die-hard Florida Breaks guy! But yes, living in A-T-L I branched out making Hip Hop remixes for huge artists, making trap, twerk, EDM, a few country songs, house music, and more.