Inside BBS Awards - One day with Bubble Couple- Interview

In Conversation with Bubble Couple



Hello and welcome to BBS AWARDS 2018. 
Today I have been joined by super DJ and producer Boubbe Couple - Spain
Hi! Nice to have you here in BBS Awards.

What are some words you would use to describe this year (2018)?
It has been a year full of surprises.

Can you tell us what you like best about your track?
The most we like is the retro essence that characterizes the song.

Can you tell us about the new project you will be working on in 2019?
We are working on several interesting projects for this year 2019.

Imagine walking inside the studio; please, can you speak to me through a typical day? What are your habits?
We listen to various types of music and look for new ideas.

How will you choose the software and add-ons you use?
we choose the one that is more versatile and functional.

Are you an avid believer of learning an instrument?
We do not rule out the option of learning to use new instruments.
although we have notions of solfeggio and piano.

What is the only piece of DJ / production equipment that you can not live with?
without my computer

So what are your thoughts on technology aiding the technique of DJing?
I think it's good to move forward and that technology today, can interfere to improve a show of dj

Any artists / DJs / producers in particular that really influenced you?
Michael Jackson, The Prodigy y Sigma 7

What is the music scene like at this moment in your country?
The scene in my country is very good.

Often, certain cities are related to certain sounds and subgenres. Do you think that living in your city is reflected in your music?
Yes of course.


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