Inside BBS Awards - One day with Therabeat Records - Interview

Thanks for your time Therabeat Records! Now that we are almost at the end of 2017,

What are some words you would use to describe this year? 

Eye-opening.  The work that goes into running a label can't be overstated.  It's a lot of time and a lot of work.  But worth every minute.  Wouldn't trade it for anything.

What have been some of the highlights for the label? 

39 releases in our first year of operation.  Including a couple of top ten releases.

What’s in store for 2018 for 
Therabeat Records?

We are opening this label up as a multi-genre label.  More than just breakbeats.  There are some big markets out there and we intend to tackle them hard.

What made you decide to create Record Label?

 We did it to create an avenue for ourselves to produce music.  But it turned out to be a label for many new producers to help get their feet off the ground.  A true blessing.

How did you come up with the name? 

"Beat Therapy".  Therabeat was an easy transition from that.

What was the first album that you ever bought?

Busy Child by The Crystal Method

What album are you most proud of in your label?

Hard to say.  There have been many proud moments.  I guess hitting the top ten with our very first release practically brought tears to my eyes.  Drop You by Bryan White and Bennystylez

In your years in the music business, what is the best thing about being involved with it and the worst?

I have nothing negative to say about my time in this business.  Networking with new producers and helping get them going has been awesome.  And to have connections with some of the legends in the game is truly remarkable.

What’s your most memorable experience inside the label? 

2 weeks after our first release, a DJ that I didn't even know at the time, created a video from a venue he was playing at just to feature our track and call us on out on Facebook on how much he loved it.  This is why we do this.  The emotion was overwhelming.

What does your day-to-day look like? 

My day starts at 3:00AM in the studio.  I am a single father of two with a full time job, so I have to get the time in where I can.  Messages and emails when I get home.  I do all the artwork for the covers too.  I'm a busy bastard.

When looking into potential new artists to sign, what are some of the qualities that you find exciting? 

Passion.  You can learn music production and the quality will come with each release.  You can't teach passion.

Do you have any advice to offer up to incoming artists/djs/bands? 

Accept constructive criticism properly.  And be patient.  It will come with hard work and open ears.  I promise you that.

Is there anything else that you would like to share with our readers about the Records?

Thank you all for your continued support.  We have plenty more to come, and we are truly blessed to be part of an amazing community.  Much love to you all.  Namaste


Therabeat Records

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